We left for home. Dawn And Paul, our precious children had remained in Arkansas for two weeks. I cried all the way home. I was shocked. I felt betrayed, crushed, devastated, confused, hurt, and stupid all rolled up in one. It was a horrible day! I cried myself to sleep that night. Jimmy was very supportive. He felt bad because he could not cheer me up like usual. Just as I got to sleep, Jimmy shook me and shouted with excitement, "Paul is not going to be bald!" (Earl has been bald since he was 20 years old. The gene for baldness is passed from father to daughter who then gives it to her son.) Leave it to my dear Jimmy to brighten up any dark situation. That was the only laugh I had that day.
June 18, 1990
Monday when I woke up, I was obsessed with the need to know something. I was driven to search for the truth. I felt desperate for knowledge. The rug had been pulled out from under my neat tidy little idea of who I am. All that work in therapy to find myself and now I have to start over. Poor Jimmy, I don't think he knew when he married me I would have so many crisis to work through. I called the Dept. Of Vital Statistics to find out how I could get a copy of my original birth certificate. I talked to a John Parker who said, "Just go down to the courthouse and get a court order and we'll release them to you."
June 19, 1990
Tuesday morning, my best friend, Linda, went with me to see Judge Kelly. I was not prepared for the question "why did I want to know?" I thought why wouldn't I want to know? I could not believe it was not my right to know. My entire medical history was inaccurate. My request was denied without medical reason. I went to work late that day and wasn't very productive. At 2:00 p.m. my boss, Betty, said, "Come on. Let's go to the library and search newspapers." We spent about 30 minutes looking at Dec. 17,18,19, 20, 21, 22, 1957. Of course, there was nothing. I knew there wouldn't be with a prearranged adoption. But it was all I could do at that point. We then went to get a copy of my amended birth certificate in case there might be any clues there. That evening, I called my Aunt Lola. I was thinking Mom's sister might know something. All she knew from family gossip was that my birth mother had been married at the time of my birth with "several" children already. That certainly didn't make me feel any better. I thought if she was married with children already, then— what was wrong with me? I felt rejected and unwanted.
June 20, 1990
Betty, my boss, called her friend at Edmond to see if there are birth records listed by date. This whole week I was totally dysfunctional. I couldn't eat or sleep. My attention span was nil. I cried all the time. Even though I wasn't resting well, all I wanted to do was stay in bed. This was a time for Jimmy and I without the kids around and I was a mess. I could think or talk of nothing else.
June 21, 1990
I called an attorney who is married to a co-worker. He was no real help. Everything he told me to do I had already done. All I knew was that William T. Gyles delivered me and he died in a fire in Harrah, Ok. So, I called the only Gyles listed in the telephone book. He was a relative of William T. and confirmed that Gyles was a physician that delivered babies.
June 22, 1990
Friday evening around 8:00 p.m., I was alone and in despair. I began to pray for help and the Lord told me in my heart to call Juanita. We sang in choir together in the church in Harrah. She might remember the dr. who died in a fire in Harrah in 1960. Of all the people in Harrah I could have called, God led me to the person who's mother worked for Dr. Gyles in 1959. Juanita called her mother. She told me Rosa Lee was Dr. Gyles head nurse for the whole time he was in Harrah. She gave me her phone number. Rosa Lee cleared out his office when he died. Juanita's sister was delivered by Dr. Gyles at Hubbard Hospital.
June 23, 1990
This was my biggest day for breakthroughs. I was on the phone literally from 9:00 a.m. until close to 6:00 p.m. with only a 10 minute break to wolf down a sandwich. I was driven and I was on a roll! Every person I talked to gave me some useful information to fit in the puzzle. I will list each call with the information received in order to the best of my memory.
0900- Bill - my hairdresser called and told me he had talked to one of his customers who is an adoptee who found her mother. He said I need to first find out if there is indeed an original birth certificate. I then got my divorce decree out from my first short marriage. I remembered that Earl recommended the attorney for my divorce. The attorney's name was Victor Protzman.
Rosa Lee — She said that Dr. Gyles was from Rush Springs. He only practiced at Hubbard Hospital in OKC. The hospital was destroyed when urban renewal was done. His partner was Dr. Bill Hubbard. Rosa Lee took care of Gyle's things after he died and the records were destroyed. Dr. Gyles worked with two lawyers out of Del City. They were from Rush Springs also. Victor Protzman handled adoptions.
Dr. Bill Hubbard-- I called a number for Dr. Bill thinking I was calling his home. It was his office and he isn't in on Saturdays. I was prepared to tell him my story and ask if he could tell me what happened to the records from Hubbard Hospital. I did not notice at this time that his home phone number is also listed.
Victor Protzman— He remembered me. He said, "You worked at Kentucky Fried Chicken and you have green eyes!" We talked for an hour and a half. He said he didn't remember which adoption I was. He handled several adoptions in 1957. He moved here from Rush Springs that year. He helped one man who was selling his 15 kids. He was poor and in trouble for baby selling. Victor adopted the children out. My heart sank with that story. After much discussion he said there was one woman who worked in doctor's offices doing insurance. She was very good with paperwork and in much demand. He thought she was married, had kids and her husband was in the pen. "Oh, great!", I thought. He said Genie, Dr. Gyles widow might know something.
Gyles relative in telephone book -- I called to see if he knew whatever happened to Genie Gyles. He called me back even though he didn't even know my name. He told me Wm. T. Gyles was born 1924 in Weatherford, Oklahoma. His father's name was Henry. Mother's maiden name was Taylor. He died in 1960 and was buried in Weatherford. He had one brother who died in a plane crash. He married Carol Merrifield from Enid. She died in a car accident. He then married Geneva. They had one daughter. Nadine knows Gyles family history. She might know what happened to Genie. I could not find her.
Rosa Lee — I asked if she knew where is Genie? She did not know. Genie had two kids, Bill and Margie. She said Juanita's mother might know what happened to her.
Juanita — She called her mother and not only did she know where Genie is, she gave me her current name, address, and phone number.
Genie — 2:47 p.m.—How I pray for God to bless this very dear woman in a very special way. She has been so dear to me and I miss her now that I haven't needed her help as much. I love her and have never seen her face yet. I said, "I was born on a particular date and I believe I was delivered by your former husband. I am trying to find any information about my birth." There was silence for several seconds.. She said quietly, "What was your name?" I told her. She said, "Katie, I can tell you the whole story!" I began to cry and said, "Praise the Lord!" without hesitation. She said she was in shock because she was just talking to her husband about me two weeks prior to my call. She had been wondering what happened to me and had felt led to pray for me. Then miracle of miracles began as she told me the following story.
Dr. Gyles was a distant cousin of the Willingham's. Ruth and Earl went to him for a physician as shirt tail relatives. Ruth was very depressed because she could not have children. She had begun to walk like an old woman. Her hair was stringy and she was severely depressed because she wanted a baby so bad. Dr. Gyles worked at Hubbard Hospital. Dr. Bill Hubbard was Gyles partner. There was a woman that worked there also. Her husband was overseas. She had a love affair with Dr. Bill and became pregnant. Both were married to other people. She told her story to Dr. Gyles. Gyles contacted Victor Protzman and they arranged the adoption. She said my mother was sweet, loving, kind, highly intelligent, not college educated, liked to read a lot. She said she was a real character and had a wonderful sense of humor. She said she was open and honest. She couldn't tell a lie easily. She worked at Hubbard Hospital and later in a doctor's office. She was about 5"5" with dark blond to light brown hair. She was a large boned woman and was attractive. Genie asked if that sounded familiar to me. I said, "If I were to describe myself that is how I would say it!" She had three or four other children. She could not remember my mother's name. She also said my mother was very good with her children. She loved her children very deeply and it was apparent to those around her.
Victor Protzman— Now I asked if he could recall which adoption I was with this added information. He said, "Oh, yes." I was born at Edmond Hospital. It was upstairs then. Victor had to pick me up at the hospital. The nurse gave me to my mother. She looked at me and quickly handed me to Victor. He carried me in an old ugly sheet down a long flight of stairs. When he arrived at the car, Earl was standing between him and the car. Victor said, "I hope you have some clothes for this little girl!" Earl stepped aside and the car was filled with clothes, toys, and a bassinet. Victor had never seen the like! And the smiles on their faces! It was the happiest adoption he had ever done. He said my mother's name was Shirley, but he couldn't remember the last name. It might have been Phillips? I felt relief and at peace. Praise be to God! I felt a sense of belonging. It all made sense somehow. I felt compassion and love toward all four parents. I now had an intense need within to find my mother. What joy I felt in knowing the lonely little girl inside of me had siblings somewhere!!
I talked to Genie and Rosa Lee again after Victor. Genie wanted to meet with Victor, Rosa Lee and myself. She thought seeing me might jog Victor's memory. She thought I might look like my mother.
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